
February 16, 2025

Our Sunday-evening meditation, with kirtan, is from 6 to 9.

The Thursday six-hour meditation begins at 8 a.m. and ends at 2 p.m., with a half-hour break at 11.

And on Friday we have a meditation from 7 to 9 p.m.

We have two commemoration services in March. On March 7 we will commemorate the mahasamadhi of Paramahansa Yogananda, and on March 9 we will commemorate the mahasamadhi of Swami Sri Yukteswar.  Both services will begin at 7 p.m. “Mahasamadhi” means “great ecstasy”, the union of the soul with the Infinite during a God-realized yogi’s final exit from the physical body. It is traditional to bring a flower/or flowers as a symbol of your devotion to God and the SRF gurus, and a donation in an envelope as a symbol of loyalty.

A Note from our Managing Council… We realize that some people are sensitive to the smell of the new carpeting. We are working on finding solutions as quickly as possible. The chapel windows and doors have been open to bring in fresh air, and we have ordered special air purifiers that will break down the chemical compounds. We should have those in the next few days. Chairs have been set up on the back patio this morning for anyone who would prefer to sit outside during the service today.

These weekly announcements also can be found on the back bulletin board.

The topic this morning is The True Meaning of Self-Realization.









