
December 29, 2024

Our Sunday-evening meditation, from 6 to 9, will be with kirtan.

The Thursday six-hour meditation begins at 8 a.m. and ends at 2 p.m., with a half-hour break at 11.

And on Friday there is a meditation from 7 to 9 p.m.

Our Bookroom now has the latest SRF Magazine in stock, so stop by if you’d like to purchase one.

First of all, we want to wish everyone a very happy and joyful Christmas!

The next Saturday 3-hour meditation with kirtan will be on December 28 from 8 to 1l a.m.

On New Year’s Eve, Tuesday, December 31, Escondido Center will host a meditation from noon to 6 p.m., beginning with group Energization Exercises on the back patio. There will be chanting on the hour, and a break from 3 to 3:30. You may come or leave during chanting or during the break.

A second meditation with kirtan will begin at 7 p.m. with Energization Exercises, and end at 12:15 a.m. Chanting will be on the hour and there will be a break at 10. You may enter and exit the chapel during chanting or during the break. A schedule is posted on the bulletin board.

A note from Encinitas Temple: In order to allow the Encinitas Ashram Center personnel to participate in Christmas and the New Year holiday observances, the Encinitas Meditation Gardens will be closed on December 25 and January 1.

On Sunday, January 5, we will commemorate the birth of Paramahansa Yogananda, with a commemoration service with kirtan, starting at 7 p.m.  Our Guru said “Celebration of the birthday of a God-realized soul should not be belittled as a merely social ceremony.  It is a deeply spiritual occasion on which the vibrations of blessing from an illumined master are stronger than on other days in the year, because in the astral world, also, a celebration is taking place.  Devotees who attend these birthday ceremonies with the right attitude will reap spiritual benefits and will find their high resolutions strengthened.”  It is customary to bring a flower (or flowers) as a symbol of devotion to God and the SRF Gurus, and a donation in an envelope as a symbol of loyalty.

On Saturday, January 11, we will have a special 6-hour meditation with kirtan from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., in honor of the Guru’s birthday.

On Sunday, January 12, our Managing Council elections will be held immediately following the service. Candidates for the following positions are:

Coordinator – Mike Sarin

Secretary – Raghu Saripalli

Treasurer – Sather Flynn

Members-at-Large (two positions): Alan Markovitz,   Allen Smith (incumbent), Anita Wooley, Dan Bentley, Tim Kleiner.

If you have been coming to our Center regularly for at least 6 months, please plan to vote in this election on January 12.  The list of candidates is posted on the back bulletin board.

These weekly announcements also can be found on the back bulletin board.

The topic this morning is Make Yourself What You Want To Be.







